Friday, April 6, 2012

Clip On Boys Ties

Well, here I am with Easter approaching and I have been SWAMPED with it being spring break and all; trying to keep the kiddos busy and happy! However, I have been determined to make my 3 munchkins their matching ensemble for Sunday! I cut out the ties almost 2 weeks ago and have just now finished them the last two days, how lame am I? 

I have two boys and a girl, but still like everyone to match. So, I made the boys matching ties of course, and am currently working on Little Miss' skirt. Here is a tutorial for sewing a clip-on boys tie. 

Materials Needed

1/4 yard fabric
piece of fusible interfacing
matching thread
alligator clip

First comes the cutting. I have an 8 month old baby and a 5 year old to sew the ties for, so for my baby (he was sleeping while I was sewing of course!) I measured the length of one of his button-down shirts and for my 5-year-old, I just measured from his neck to his hips for the length. Feel free to make them a little longer so they don't grow out of them so fast!

I found it was easier to start with a rectangle shape, so on a double thickness of fabric, cut whatever your length may be (mine was 15" for my 5-year-old and 12" for my baby) by roughly 5 inches, (again, my baby's I made slightly more narrow). Once you have your rectangle, start by cutting a point at the bottom; probably a good idea to fold it in half lengthwise before you cut to ensure you're making the point in the middle and both sides are at the same angle. Then, from where your angle hits at the sides, you will again cut at an angle up the length of the side of the rectangle (only going in half inch at the most) to create your tie "shape." Now you will also cut one sheet of this shape from your fusible interfacing. You will also need to cut another skinny rectangle for the knot at the top, roughly 4" by 6".

 Okay, now that you have your pieces, you are going to start by fusing your interfacing to one  piece of your tie shape on the WRONG side of the fabric. Now you will put both pieces right sides together and stitch around the edge, leaving the top open. Clip the point off close to your stitching as well as the side points so it will lay nicely. While you're at your sewing machine, fold your rectangle for the knot in half lengthwise, right sides together and stitch along the long edge. Turn both the tie piece and knot right side out and press. The seam on your knot piece should not be on an edge, but in the middle to create a "right" and "wrong" side.

After you press it flat, you will need to fold the sides of the tie piece in to meet in the middle and press again. 

Now you need that hand sewing needle and matching thread. I know, I know, I hate hand sewing. But trust me, this must be done! Starting at the bottom, tack the edges together in the middle every few inches going up the length of the tie. When you get to the top, you're then going to make an accordion fold so there's an indent on the front, top of the tie and stick your needle through all thicknesses, wrap around one time and make a knot. 

Now, you will take the knot piece,  wrap it around the top of the tie with right sides meeting together and pin it where it meets in the back and again at a fairly steep angle at the top (that way the knot will be wider at the top so it's realistic looking). Pull it off the tie and sew where you pinned; cut off excess fabric and turn right side out.

Now, you will slip the skinny opening back over the top of the tie and stitch it in place. Or, you could get lazy like me who, again, dislikes hand sewing, and hot glue it in carefully. I did that on my second tie and it actually felt more secure than my hand stitches on the other one.

Now, for the finishing touch, you will hot glue your alligator clip on the back top of your tie and VOILA! You have an amazing clip on tie for your little man made especially for him by mom :)

Stay tuned for my tutorial on the matching skirts to coordinate with the ties!


  1. so cute. I love the polkadots. Great tutorial Holly! Can't wait to see K's skirt:>

  2. you should link this up:>

  3. Awesome! I don't know how I missed this post!
