We did something fun this year on our last night of it getting dark early. We played flashlight hide and seek! It was SO fun and our kids had a blast! Oh, and we had lots of fun too. We invited my sister over with our nephew and teamed up in pairs with an adult in each group to be in charge of the flashlight. Then we ventured outside.
I had Carter and Baby Zachary on my team and we had lots of fun when someone would shine their flashlight in our direction yet still didn't see us! It definitely was cause for LOTS of giggles! The last hiding spot we had, we had flashlights shining in our direction multiple times but we still were too sneaky! Finally, fussing from an unhappy baby gave away our location ;)

It will have to be something we do camping during the summer or something because we had a great time! Definitely something to look forward to on the difficult "spring forward" transition!
I know what you mean with the spring forward difficulty. It makes the day seem longer when it stays light so long, but mornings are so hard. I lose enough sleep with my kids, much less having an hour taken away from time change! =) New follower, stopping by from the blog hop. Hope you're having a good weekend!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one! Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower! I'm following you as well! I love coupons and such!