Well, quite a few years ago, I discovered Bare Minerals foundation and I fell in love!It is so lightweight, fast to put on, looks amazing on all skin types, covers well, and gives that great healthy glow we all strive for on our skin. Not only that, but my skin really did improve (as far as breakouts go) after I started wearing it. So, I am totally a Bare Minerals girl.
However, the semi-hefty price tag on it has caused me to wander and try other products on the occasion. Plus, I have to buy it at a salon-type beauty store instead of say, Target! So, anyway, I have really tried every other kind of mineral makeup from Mary Kay to Physicians Formula to try to save myself a buck and longer trip to the store, but it was always a waste because nothing has even come close to Bare Minerals. But a week and a half ago, I was out of my Bare Minerals and was in a pinch. I was shopping at Target and had a coupon for L'oreal face product. So, I thought, "What the heck, I'll give something new a test run." After scouring the isles looking for something I hadn't already tried, I found L'oreal True Match Naturale Gentle Mineral Makeup. So, coupon in hand I headed to the cash register and paid my $6.99 for it (WAY cheaper than my true love).
I was super excited to try it the next day, but honestly, expecting disappointment as has always happened before. Let me tell you how stoked I was to see nearly the same results as Bare Minerals! I am so very impressed with this product. It covers great like Bare Minerals, blended great and still had a subtle glow! Yahoo! All in all, I found a very good replacement for when money is tight. Bare Minerals still is a tad bit better (it has more of a glow and that "sheer" look), but you can barely tell the difference in my opinion. So try it out and tell me what you think!
Have a beautiful day!!!
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